Refer a friend or co-worker and earn free or discounted Cheetah courses!
Refer a friend or colleague to a Cheetah course and receive a gift card and valuable Cheetah Points when they enroll.

  • Cheetah Leadership Referral - earns you a $300 gift card and 1500 Cheetah points
  • Cheetah Exam Prep With the PMP Referral - earns you a $200 gift card and 1000 Cheetah points
  • Cheetah Agile Referral - earns you a $100 gift card and 500 Cheetah points

* We'll send the people you refer an invitation email with a special link to our registration page. If they use that link, or if they type your email address as the one who referred them, they'll receive $100 off the course you referred.

* For each person you refer who enrolls in the course you refer, you get the respective gift card for that course. You can get as many gift cards as students you refer who enroll. (Enroll means, they register, pay, and complete their course).

* Each Cheetah Point represents a $1 discount off a Cheetah course you would like to take. For example - if you refer four people to the Cheetah Exam Prep with the PMP program who then register and pay, you will earn 4000 cheetah points and can use that to register for $4000 off the Cheetah Exam Prep program.

Referral Info

Your Info



Note: Once you refer your friend we send you links you can share with your friend where they can take free practice tests, watch free webinars, or get free guides related to the course you referred them to take.